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 AntiCheat Modificado Por Sharow.-

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Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 18/12/2009

AntiCheat Modificado Por Sharow.- Empty
MensajeTema: AntiCheat Modificado Por Sharow.-   AntiCheat Modificado Por Sharow.- Icon_minitimeVie Dic 18, 2009 12:17 am

Buenas, ando devuelta por aqui largo de mi ausencia Razz
Aca les dejo el AntiCheat de Twist ambientado a Fenix Smile
Aclaro que es FUNCIONAL ^^
bueno empezemos, estas modificaciones son en el CLIENTE:


Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Dim endEvent As Long

y abajo ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Private TiempoActual As Long
2. Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
3. Dim PuedeMacrear As Boolean
4. Private ElDeAhora As Double
5. Private Diferencia As Double
6. Private ElDeAntes As Double
7. Private Empezo As Boolean
8. Private Minimo As Double
9. Private Maximo As Double
10. Private Cont As Byte
11. Private EstuboDesbalanceado As Long
12. Private ContEngine As Byte

Ahora creamos un nuev timer en el frmmain de intervalo 100 y de nombre AntiEngine. hacen doble click y reemplazan todo por esto

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Private Sub AntiEngine_Timer()
2. If logged Then
3. If Not logged Then Exit Sub
4. If GetTickCount - TiempoActual > 110 Or GetTickCount - TiempoActual < 109 Then
5. Contador = Contador 1
6. Else
7. Contador = 0
8. End If
9. If Contador > 599 Then
10. Call MsgBox("Has Sido Echado por uso de SH", vbCritical, "Chitero")
11. Call SendData("BANEAMESpeedHack")
12. End
13. End If
14. TiempoActual = GetTickCount()
15. End If
16. End Sub

luego crean otro timer con el nombre timerUclick de intervalo 500 hacen doble click y reemplazan todo por esto:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Private Sub timerUclick_Timer()
2. PuedeUclickear = True
3. frmMain.timerUclick.Enabled = False
4. End Sub

luego buscan:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Public Fide As Byte

y arriba ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
2. Public Uclickear As Boolean
3. Public PuedeUclickear As Boolean

luego mas abajo buscan:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

y lo borran


Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. FrmIntro.Hide

y arriba ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Uclickear = True
2. PuedeUclickear = True


Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Case "LOGGED"

y abajo agregan:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. ListApps
2. verify_cheats

luego crean un modulo con cualquier nombre por ejemplo (AntiCheat) y adentro ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Option Explicit
3. Dim Usando_cheat As Byte
4. Public Mando_cheat(0 To Cool As Byte
5. Public Procesos(50) As String
7. Public Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS As Long = 2&
8. Public Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 260
10. Private Type PROCESSENTRY32
11. dwSize As Long
12. cntUsage As Long
13. th32ProcessID As Long
14. th32DefaultHeapID As Long
15. th32ModuleID As Long
16. cntThreads As Long
17. th32ParentProcessID As Long
18. pcPriClassBase As Long
19. dwFlags As Long
20. szExeFile As String * MAX_PATH
21. End Type
23. Public Declare Function CreateToolhelpSnapshot Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As Long
24. Private Declare Function ProcessFirst Lib "kernel32" Alias "Process32First" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
25. Private Declare Function ProcessNext Lib "kernel32" Alias "Process32Next" (ByVal hSnapShot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
26. Private Declare Sub CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hPass As Long)
28. Public Function IscheatRunning(ByRef Cheat As String) As Boolean
29. IscheatRunning = (FindWindow(vbNullString, Cheat) <> 0)
30. End Function
32. Function verify_cheats2()
33. Usando_cheat = "0"
35. If IscheatRunning("Pts") = True Then
36. Usando_cheat = "1"
37. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
38. End If
40. If IscheatRunning("Auto Pots") = True Then
41. Usando_cheat = "1"
42. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
43. End If
45. If IscheatRunning("Auto Aim") = True Then
46. Usando_cheat = "1"
47. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
48. End If
50. If IscheatRunning("Super Saiyan") = True Then
51. Usando_cheat = "1"
52. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
53. End If
55. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net -4") = True Then
56. Usando_cheat = "1"
57. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
58. End If
60. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net 4") = True Then
61. Usando_cheat = "1"
62. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
63. End If
65. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net 1") = True Then
66. Usando_cheat = "1"
67. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
68. End If
70. If IscheatRunning("-=[ANUBYS RADAR]=-") = True Then
71. Usando_cheat = "1"
72. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
73. End If
75. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDER - REGISTERED") = True Then
76. Usando_cheat = "1"
77. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
78. End If
80. If IscheatRunning("RADAR SILVERAO") = True Then
81. Usando_cheat = "1"
82. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
83. End If
85. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDERXP X1.60 - REGISTERED") = True Then
86. Usando_cheat = "1"
87. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
88. End If
90. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDERXP X1.60 - UNREGISTERED") = True Then
91. Usando_cheat = "1"
92. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
93. End If
95. If IscheatRunning("A SPEEDER V2.1") = True Then
96. Usando_cheat = "1"
97. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
98. End If
100. If IscheatRunning("VICIOUS ENGINE 5.0") = True Then
101. Usando_cheat = "1"
102. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
103. End If
105. If IscheatRunning("Blorb Slayer 1.12.552 (BETA)") = True Then
106. Usando_cheat = "1"
107. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
108. End If
110. If IscheatRunning("Buffy The vamp Slayer") = True Then
111. Usando_cheat = "1"
112. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
113. End If
115. If IscheatRunning("makro-piringulete") = True Then
116. Usando_cheat = "1"
117. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
118. End If
120. If IscheatRunning("makro K33") = True Then
121. Usando_cheat = "1"
122. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
123. End If
125. If IscheatRunning("makro-Piringulete 2003") = True Then
126. Usando_cheat = "1"
127. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
128. End If
130. If IscheatRunning("macrocrack <>") = True Then
131. Usando_cheat = "1"
132. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
133. End If
135. If IscheatRunning("windows speeder") = True Then
136. Usando_cheat = "2"
137. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
138. End If
140. If IscheatRunning("Speeder - Unregistered") = True Then
141. Usando_cheat = "2"
142. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
143. End If
145. If IscheatRunning("A Speeder") = True Then
146. Usando_cheat = "2"
147. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
148. End If
150. If IscheatRunning("?????") = True Then
151. Usando_cheat = "2"
152. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
153. End If
156. If IscheatRunning("speeder") = True Then
157. Usando_cheat = "3"
158. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
159. End If
162. If IscheatRunning("argentum-pesca 0.2b por manchess") = True Then
163. Usando_cheat = "4"
164. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
165. End If
167. If IscheatRunning("speeder XP - softwrap version") = True Then
168. Usando_cheat = "5"
169. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
170. End If
172. If IscheatRunning("Macro") = True Then
173. Usando_cheat = "6"
174. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
175. End If
177. If IscheatRunning("cambia titulos de cheats by fedex") = True Then
178. Usando_cheat = "6"
179. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
180. End If
182. If IscheatRunning("NEWENG OCULTO") = True Then
183. Usando_cheat = "6"
184. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
185. End If
187. If IscheatRunning("Macro 2005") = True Then
188. Usando_cheat = "7"
189. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
190. End If
192. If IscheatRunning("Rey Engine 5.2") = True Then
193. Usando_cheat = "8"
194. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
195. End If
197. If IscheatRunning("Serbio Engine") = True Then
198. Usando_cheat = "8"
199. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
200. End If
202. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.1.1") = True Then
203. Usando_cheat = "8"
204. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
205. End If
207. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine 5.1.1") = True Then
208. Usando_cheat = "8"
209. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
210. End If
212. If IscheatRunning("Ultra Engine") = True Then
213. Usando_cheat = "8"
214. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
215. End If
217. If IscheatRunning("Engine") = True Then
218. Usando_cheat = "8"
219. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
220. End If
222. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.4") = True Then
223. Usando_cheat = "8"
224. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
225. End If
227. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.3") = True Then
228. Usando_cheat = "8"
229. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
230. End If
232. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.2") = True Then
233. Usando_cheat = "8"
234. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
235. End If
237. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.1") = True Then
238. Usando_cheat = "8"
239. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
240. End If
242. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.0") = True Then
243. Usando_cheat = "8"
244. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
245. End If
247. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.4") = True Then
248. Usando_cheat = "8"
249. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
250. End If
252. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.4 German Add-On") = True Then
253. Usando_cheat = "8"
254. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
255. End If
257. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.3") = True Then
258. Usando_cheat = "8"
259. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
260. End If
262. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.2") = True Then
263. Usando_cheat = "8"
264. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
265. End If
267. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.1.1") = True Then
268. Usando_cheat = "8"
269. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
270. End If
272. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.3") = True Then
273. Usando_cheat = "8"
274. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
275. End If
277. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.2") = True Then
278. Usando_cheat = "8"
279. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
280. End If
282. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.1") = True Then
283. Usando_cheat = "8"
284. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
285. End If
287. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine") = True Then
288. Usando_cheat = "8"
289. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
290. End If
292. If IscheatRunning("Samples Macros - EZ Macros") = True Then
293. Usando_cheat = "6"
294. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
295. End If
297. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine 5.0") = True Then
298. Usando_cheat = "6"
299. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
300. End If
302. If IscheatRunning("vosoloco?") = True Then
303. Usando_cheat = "6"
304. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
305. End If
307. If IscheatRunning("solocovo?") = True Then
308. Usando_cheat = "6"
309. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
310. End If
312. If IscheatRunning("Summer Ao - Proxy!") = True Then
313. Usando_cheat = "6"
314. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
315. End If
317. End Function
319. Function verify_cheats()
320. Usando_cheat = "0"
322. If IscheatRunning("Pts") = True Then
323. Usando_cheat = "1"
324. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
325. End If
327. If IscheatRunning("Auto Pots") = True Then
328. Usando_cheat = "1"
329. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
330. End If
332. If IscheatRunning("Auto Aim") = True Then
333. Usando_cheat = "1"
334. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
335. End If
337. If IscheatRunning("Super Saiyan") = True Then
338. Usando_cheat = "1"
339. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
340. End If
342. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net -4") = True Then
343. Usando_cheat = "1"
344. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
345. End If
347. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net 4") = True Then
348. Usando_cheat = "1"
349. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
350. End If
352. If IscheatRunning("!xSpeed.Net 1") = True Then
353. Usando_cheat = "1"
354. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
355. End If
357. If IscheatRunning("-=[ANUBYS RADAR]=-") = True Then
358. Usando_cheat = "1"
359. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
360. End If
362. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDER - REGISTERED") = True Then
363. Usando_cheat = "1"
364. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
365. End If
367. If IscheatRunning("RADAR SILVERAO") = True Then
368. Usando_cheat = "1"
369. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
370. End If
372. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDERXP X1.60 - REGISTERED") = True Then
373. Usando_cheat = "1"
374. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
375. End If
377. If IscheatRunning("SPEEDERXP X1.60 - UNREGISTERED") = True Then
378. Usando_cheat = "1"
379. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
380. End If
382. If IscheatRunning("A SPEEDER V2.1") = True Then
383. Usando_cheat = "1"
384. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
385. End If
387. If IscheatRunning("VICIOUS ENGINE 5.0") = True Then
388. Usando_cheat = "1"
389. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
390. End If
392. If IscheatRunning("Blorb Slayer 1.12.552 (BETA)") = True Then
393. Usando_cheat = "1"
394. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
395. End If
397. If IscheatRunning("Buffy The vamp Slayer") = True Then
398. Usando_cheat = "1"
399. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
400. End If
402. If IscheatRunning("makro-piringulete") = True Then
403. Usando_cheat = "1"
404. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
405. End If
407. If IscheatRunning("makro K33") = True Then
408. Usando_cheat = "1"
409. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
410. End If
412. If IscheatRunning("makro-Piringulete 2003") = True Then
413. Usando_cheat = "1"
414. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
415. End If
417. If IscheatRunning("macrocrack <>") = True Then
418. Usando_cheat = "1"
419. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
420. End If
422. If IscheatRunning("windows speeder") = True Then
423. Usando_cheat = "2"
424. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
425. End If
427. If IscheatRunning("Speeder - Unregistered") = True Then
428. Usando_cheat = "2"
429. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
430. End If
432. If IscheatRunning("A Speeder") = True Then
433. Usando_cheat = "2"
434. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
435. End If
437. If IscheatRunning("?????") = True Then
438. Usando_cheat = "2"
439. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
440. End If
443. If IscheatRunning("speeder") = True Then
444. Usando_cheat = "3"
445. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
446. End If
448. If IscheatRunning("argentum-pesca 0.2b por manchess") = True Then
449. Usando_cheat = "4"
450. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
451. End If
453. If IscheatRunning("speeder XP - softwrap version") = True Then
454. Usando_cheat = "5"
455. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
456. End If
458. If IscheatRunning("Macro") = True Then
459. Usando_cheat = "6"
460. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
461. End If
463. If IscheatRunning("cambia titulos de cheats by fedex") = True Then
464. Usando_cheat = "6"
465. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
466. End If
468. If IscheatRunning("NEWENG OCULTO") = True Then
469. Usando_cheat = "6"
470. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
471. End If
473. If IscheatRunning("Macro 2005") = True Then
474. Usando_cheat = "7"
475. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
476. End If
478. If IscheatRunning("Rey Engine 5.2") = True Then
479. Usando_cheat = "8"
480. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
481. End If
483. If IscheatRunning("Serbio Engine") = True Then
484. Usando_cheat = "8"
485. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
486. End If
488. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.1.1") = True Then
489. Usando_cheat = "8"
490. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
491. End If
493. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine 5.1.1") = True Then
494. Usando_cheat = "8"
495. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
496. End If
498. If IscheatRunning("Ultra Engine") = True Then
499. Usando_cheat = "8"
500. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
501. End If
503. If IscheatRunning("Engine") = True Then
504. Usando_cheat = "8"
505. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
506. End If
508. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.4") = True Then
509. Usando_cheat = "8"
510. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
511. End If
513. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.3") = True Then
514. Usando_cheat = "8"
515. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
516. End If
518. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.2") = True Then
519. Usando_cheat = "8"
520. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
521. End If
523. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.1") = True Then
524. Usando_cheat = "8"
525. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
526. End If
528. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V5.0") = True Then
529. Usando_cheat = "8"
530. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
531. End If
533. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.4") = True Then
534. Usando_cheat = "8"
535. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
536. End If
538. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.4 German Add-On") = True Then
539. Usando_cheat = "8"
540. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
541. End If
543. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.3") = True Then
544. Usando_cheat = "8"
545. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
546. End If
548. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.2") = True Then
549. Usando_cheat = "8"
550. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
551. End If
553. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V4.1.1") = True Then
554. Usando_cheat = "8"
555. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
556. End If
558. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.3") = True Then
559. Usando_cheat = "8"
560. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
561. End If
563. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.2") = True Then
564. Usando_cheat = "8"
565. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
566. End If
568. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine V3.1") = True Then
569. Usando_cheat = "8"
570. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
571. End If
573. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine") = True Then
574. Usando_cheat = "8"
575. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
576. End If
578. If IscheatRunning("Samples Macros - EZ Macros") = True Then
579. Usando_cheat = "6"
580. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
581. End If
583. If IscheatRunning("Cheat Engine 5.0") = True Then
584. Usando_cheat = "6"
585. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
586. End If
588. If IscheatRunning("vosoloco?") = True Then
589. Usando_cheat = "6"
590. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
591. End If
593. If IscheatRunning("solocovo?") = True Then
594. Usando_cheat = "6"
595. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
596. End If
598. If IscheatRunning("Summer Ao - Proxy!") = True Then
599. Usando_cheat = "6"
600. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
601. End If
603. End Function
605. Function send_cheats()
606. Mando_cheat(Usando_cheat) = True
607. SendData ("@" & Usando_cheat)
608. MsgBox "Programa externo detectado. Argentum Online se cerrará.", vbCritical, "Atención!"
609. End
610. End Function
612. Function send_cheats2()
613. Mando_cheat(Usando_cheat) = True
614. MsgBox "Programa externo detectado. Argentum Online se cerrará.", vbCritical, "Atención!"
615. End
616. End Function
618. Sub ListApps()
619. Dim a As Integer, i As Integer, lista As String
620. Dim hSnapShot As Long
621. Dim uProceso As PROCESSENTRY32
622. Dim R As Long
624. hSnapShot = CreateToolhelpSnapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
625. If hSnapShot = 0 Then Exit Sub
626. uProceso.dwSize = Len(uProceso)
627. R = ProcessFirst(hSnapShot, uProceso)
628. Do While R
629. Procesos(a) = ReadField(1, uProceso.szExeFile, Asc("."))
630. If UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "!XSPEEDNET.EXE" Or _
631. UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "!XSPEEDNET" Or _
632. UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "CHEAT ENGINE.EXE" Then
633. Usando_cheat = "2"
634. send_cheats (Usando_cheat)
635. End If
636. a = a 1
637. R = ProcessNext(hSnapShot, uProceso)
638. Loop
640. For i = 2 To UBound(Procesos)
641. If Procesos(i) <> "" Then
642. lista = lista & Procesos(i) & ","
643. End If
644. Next
645. SendData "€" & UCase$(lista)
647. Call CloseHandle(hSnapShot)
648. End Sub
650. Sub ListApps2()
651. Dim a As Integer, i As Integer, lista As String
652. Dim hSnapShot As Long
653. Dim uProceso As PROCESSENTRY32
654. Dim R As Long
656. hSnapShot = CreateToolhelpSnapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
657. If hSnapShot = 0 Then Exit Sub
658. uProceso.dwSize = Len(uProceso)
659. R = ProcessFirst(hSnapShot, uProceso)
660. Do While R
661. Procesos(a) = ReadField(1, uProceso.szExeFile, Asc("."))
662. If UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "!XSPEEDNET.EXE" Or _
663. UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "!XSPEEDNET" Or _
664. UCase$(Procesos(a)) = "CHEAT ENGINE.EXE" Then
665. Usando_cheat = "2"
666. send_cheats2 (Usando_cheat)
667. End If
668. a = a 1
669. R = ProcessNext(hSnapShot, uProceso)
670. Loop
672. For i = 2 To UBound(Procesos)
673. If Procesos(i) <> "" Then
674. lista = lista & Procesos(i) & ","
675. End If
676. Next
678. Call CloseHandle(hSnapShot)
679. End Sub
681. Public Function HayExterno(ByVal Chit As String)
682. Call SendData("BANEAME" & Chit)
683. Call MsgBox("Serás Echado por uso de Programas Externos... Tu Nombre a quedado en los Logs.")
684. End
685. End Function
687. Public Function CliEditado()
688. Call MsgBox("No se admite editar el cliente en este servidor")
689. End
690. End Function
692. Function EncryptPass(Valor As String) As String
693. On Error Resume Next
694. Dim PassNew As String
695. Dim Passtemp As String
696. Dim login, pass1 As Integer
697. Dim ctr As Integer
698. pass1 = Len(Trim(Valor))
700. ctr = 1
701. Do While ctr <= pass1
703. PassNew = CStr(PassNew) & Chr((Asc(Mid(Trim(Valor), ctr, 1)) 17))
704. ctr = ctr 1
706. Loop
707. EncryptPass = PassNew
709. End Function
711. Function DecryptPass(Valor As String) As String
712. On Error Resume Next
714. Dim Passlength As Integer, Cntr As Integer
715. Dim tempChar As String
716. Dim OldPass As String
717. Cntr = 1
719. Passlength = Len(Valor)
720. Do While Cntr <= Passlength
721. OldPass = OldPass Chr((Asc(Mid(Trim(Valor), Cntr, 1)) - 17))
722. Cntr = Cntr 1
723. Loop
725. DecryptPass = OldPass
727. End Function
729. Function ENCRYPT(ByVal STRG As String) As String
730. Dim asd As Integer
731. Dim Suma As Integer
732. If Val(STRG) <> 5 Then
733. For asd = 1 To Len(STRG)
734. Suma = Suma Asc(Mid$(STRG, asd, 1))
735. Next
736. For asd = 1 To Asc(Mid$(STRG, 1, 1))
737. If ENCRYPT = "" Then
738. ENCRYPT = MD5String(CStr(Suma * 0.789))
739. Else
741. End If
742. Next
743. End If
744. End Function

ahora crean otro timer en el frmmain con el nombre AntiExternos con intervalo de 15000, y adentro del timer ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. Private Sub AntiExternos_Timer()
3. If FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CHEAT ENGINE 5.1.1")) Then
4. Call HayExterno("CHEAT ENGINE 5.1.1")
5. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CHEAT ENGINE 5.0")) Then
6. Call HayExterno("CHEAT ENGINE 5.0")
7. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Pts")) Then
8. Call HayExterno("Auto Pots")
9. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CHEAT ENGINE 5.2")) Then
10. Call HayExterno("CHEAT ENGINE 5.2")
11. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("SOLOCOVO?")) Then
12. Call HayExterno("SOLOCOVO?")
13. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("-=[ANUBYS RADAR]=-")) Then
14. Call HayExterno("-=[ANUBYS RADAR]=-")
15. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CRAZY SPEEDER 1.05")) Then
16. Call HayExterno("CRAZY SPEEDER 1.05")
17. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("SET !XSPEED.NET")) Then
18. Call HayExterno("SET !XSPEED.NET")
19. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("SPEEDERXP V1.80 - UNREGISTERED")) Then
20. Call HayExterno("SPEEDERXP V1.80 - UNREGISTERED")
21. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CHEAT ENGINE 5.3")) Then
22. Call HayExterno("CHEAT ENGINE 5.3")
23. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CHEAT ENGINE 5.1")) Then
24. Call HayExterno("CHEAT ENGINE 5.1")
25. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("A SPEEDER")) Then
26. Call HayExterno("A SPEEDER")
27. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("MEMO Razz")) Then
28. Call HayExterno("MEMO Razz")
29. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("ORK4M VERSION 1.5")) Then
30. Call HayExterno("ORK4M VERSION 1.5")
31. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("BY FEDEX")) Then
32. Call HayExterno("By Fedex")
33. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("!XSPEED.NET 4.59")) Then
34. Call HayExterno("!Xspeeder")
35. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("CAMBIA TITULOS DE CHEATS BY FEDEX")) Then
36. Call HayExterno("Cambia titulos")
37. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("NEWENG OCULTO")) Then
38. Call HayExterno("Cambia titulos")
39. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("SERBIO ENGINE")) Then
40. Call HayExterno("Serbio Engine")
41. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("REYMIX ENGINE 5.3 PUBLIC")) Then
42. Call HayExterno("ReyMix Engine")
43. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("REY ENGINE 5.2")) Then
44. Call HayExterno("ReyMix Engine")
45. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("AUTOCLICK - BY NIO_SHOOTER")) Then
46. Call HayExterno("AutoClick")
47. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("TONNER MINER! Very Happy [REG][SKLOV] 2.0")) Then
48. Call HayExterno("Tonner")
49. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Buffy The vamp Slayer")) Then
50. Call HayExterno("Buffy The vamp Slayer")
51. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Blorb Slayer 1.12.552 (BETA)")) Then
52. Call HayExterno("Blorb Slayer 1.12.552 (BETA)")
53. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("PumaEngine3.0")) Then
54. Call HayExterno("PumaEngine3.0")
55. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Vicious Engine 5.0")) Then
56. Call HayExterno("Vicious Engine 5.0")
57. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("AkumaEngine33")) Then
58. Call HayExterno("AkumaEngine33")
59. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Spuc3ngine")) Then
60. Call HayExterno("Spuc3ngine")
61. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Ultra Engine")) Then
62. Call HayExterno("Ultra Engine")
63. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Engine")) Then
64. Call HayExterno("Engine")
65. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V5.4")) Then
66. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V5.4")
67. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V4.4")) Then
68. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V4.4")
69. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V4.4 German Add-On")) Then
70. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V4.4 German Add-On")
71. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V4.3")) Then
72. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V4.3")
73. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V4.2")) Then
74. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V4.2")
75. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V4.1.1")) Then
76. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V4.1.1")
77. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V3.3")) Then
78. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V3.3")
79. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V3.2")) Then
80. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V3.2")
81. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine V3.1")) Then
82. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine V3.1")
83. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Cheat Engine")) Then
84. Call HayExterno("Cheat Engine")
85. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("danza engine 5.2.150")) Then
86. Call HayExterno("danza engine 5.2.150")
87. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("zenx engine")) Then
88. Call HayExterno("zenx engine")
89. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("MACROMAKER")) Then
90. Call HayExterno("Macro Maker")
91. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("MACREOMAKER - EDIT MACRO")) Then
92. Call HayExterno("Macro Maker")
93. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("By Fedex")) Then
94. Call HayExterno("Macro Fedex")
95. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Macro Mage 1.0")) Then
96. Call HayExterno("Macro Mage")
97. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Auto* v0.4 (c) 2001 Pete Powa")) Then
98. Call HayExterno("Macro Fisher")
99. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Kizsada")) Then
100. Call HayExterno("Macro K33")
101. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Makro K33")) Then
102. Call HayExterno("Macro K33")
103. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Super Saiyan")) Then
104. Call HayExterno("El Chit del Geri")
105. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Makro-Piringulete")) Then
106. Call HayExterno("Piringulete")
107. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("Makro-Piringulete 2003")) Then
108. Call HayExterno("Piringulete 2003")
109. ElseIf FindWindow(vbNullString, UCase$("TUKY2005")) Then
110. Call HayExterno("Makro Tuky")
111. End If
113. End Sub

ahora buscan:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. frmMain.imgFondoHechizos.Picture = LoadPicture(DirGraficos & "Centronuevohechizos.gif")

y abajo ponen:

Numero de Linea | Ocultar/Mostrar | Seleccionar todo

1. If AntiEngine.Interval <> 100 Or AntiEngine.Enabled = False Then
2. Call CliEditado
3. ElseIf AntiExternos.Interval <> 15000 Or AntiExternos.Enabled = False Then
4. Call CliEditado
5. ElseIf timerUclick.Interval <> 500 Or timerUclick.Enabled = False Then
6. Call CliEditado
7. End If

y listo... el code fue sacado del mod twist con cosas modificadas para que funcionen
espero que les sea util Smile
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AntiCheat Modificado Por Sharow.-
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